buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Interactive Test Demo style.css header class hero-header nav class main-nav div TestDemo class logo div class nav-links a Home href #home a Features href #features a Demo href #demo a Contact href #contact main section id home class hero h1 Interactive Testing Demo p Experience the power of modern web development button Get Started class cta-button data-action start section id features class features-grid div class feature-card span 🎯 h3 Precision p Accurate results every time div class feature-card span 🚀 h3 Speed p Lightning-fast performance div class feature-card span 🛡️ h3 Security p Built-in protection div class feature-card span 🔄 h3 Flexibility p Adaptable to your needs section id demo class interactive-demo h2 Try It Yourself div class demo-container div class demo-input label Test Input input type text id testInput placeholder Enter test value... div class demo-output h3 Results p id resultText class result-pending Waiting for input... section id contact class contact-section h2 Get In Touch form class contact-form input type email placeholder Your email required textarea placeholder Your message required button Submit type submit class submit-button footer class main-footer p Built with modern web standards div class social-links a Twitter href # a GitHub href # a LinkedIn href # script.js